Finding Beatrix Potter

Finding Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter, daughter of Rupert and Helen Leech, both of wealthy families, was born in a large house in rural Kensington, on July 28, 1866. Little girl with a curious and sociable nature, she was forced to spend most of her childhood in the company of the nurse. In isolation from other children, she learned to know and love nature and those small country animals that populate her illustrated stories. Alongside the works published for readers, first of all "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", the diaries and letters, especially those sent to children in need of her comforting stories, are witnesses to the creative talent of Beatrix Potter.

Collana: Grandfather Clock, Silver Series

Volume: 1

Translation by Irene Standley and Michela Alessandroni

ISBN: 978-88-85628-75-5

Book price: 12.00 €

Ebook price: 2.69 €

Year: 2021

The book is available on Amazon.

Riccardo Mainetti was born in Morbegno, Italy, on 12 November 1974 and has lived in Sondrio since birth. He translated some works of contemporary fiction and then devoted himself completely to the classics of English and American literature. He translated into Italian many works by famous writers like Louisa May Alcott, Edith Wharton, Jack London, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Walt Whitman.

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